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Deep ascia overlies and invests the muscles o the thoracic wall, as it does elsewhere. A peritoneal recess, or peritoneal ossa, is a pouch o peritoneum that is ormed by a peritoneal old. It is covered on each side by mediastinal pleura and contains all the thoracic viscera and structures except the lungs. Some lymph also passes to the deep inguinal lymph nodes, located under the deep ascia on the medial aspect o the emoral vein. This ailure may be caused by applied stress (orceul plantarfexion) during the early teens. Discontinuous Central Pulmonary Arteries A palliative approach in this setting carries a high risk. Hip joint Ball and socket In ball and socket joints (multiaxial), a rounded head fits into a concavity, permitting movement on several axes. The proximal attachment o the other two muscles in the supercial group (brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis longus) is to the lateral supraepicondylar ridge o the humerus and adjacent lateral intermuscular septum. The usually small accessory lobe appears superior to the hilum o the right lung, separated rom the rest o the lung by a deep groove lodging the arch o the azygos vein. Ater wrapping and securing the cu snugly around the arm, centered over the brachial artery, the cu is infated suciently to temporarily occlude fow through the artery. The primary unctions o the pelvic girdle are bearing and transer o weight; secondary unctions include protection and support o abdominopelvic viscera and housing and attachment or structures o the genital and urinary systems. Repeated orceul fexion and extension o the wrist strain the attachment o the common extensor tendon, producing infammation o the periosteum o the lateral epicondyle (lateral epicondylitis). Strenuous exercise (especially ater a heavy meal), sudden exposure to cold, and stress all require increased activity on the part o the heart, but the occluded vessels cannot provide it. The large hip bone is constricted in the middle and expanded at its superior and inerior ends. The azygos/hemi-azygos venous system constitutes the venous counterpart to the thoracic aorta and its posterior mediastinal branches. Aortic valve repair and replacement after balloon aortic valvuloplasty in children. On the let, the aorta is related to the let crus o the diaphragm and the let celiac ganglion. Most commonly the left 314 Comprehensive Surgical Management of Congenital Heart Disease, Second Edition partial anomalous pulmonary veins is extremely rare. Transverse incisions through the anterior layer o the rectus sheath and rectus abdominis provide good access and cause the least possible damage to the nerve supply o the rectus abdominis. Early aggressive intervention by balloon dilation allows the child to grow and exercise and promotes annular growth. This is in part because of the acute volume load imposed by pulmonary regurgitation secondary to a transannular patch. The diaphragmatic surace o the liver is smooth and dome shaped, where it is related to the concavity o the inerior surace o the diaphragm, which separates it rom the pleurae, lungs, pericardium, and heart. Usually flow continues through the right subclavian and vertebral arteries, as well as the right internal mammary artery during the cross-clamp period. The sympathetic trunks pass deep to the medial arcuate ligament, accompanied by the least splanchnic nerves. The ribs (and intervening intercostal space) descend as they run anteriorly, reaching their low point approximately at the costochondral junction, and then ascend to the sternum. The peritoneum is refected anteriorly rom the uterus onto the bladder and posteriorly over the posterior part o the ornix o the vagina to the rectum. Cognitive function and age at repair of transposition of the great arteries in children. The hernia is bounded by the emoral vein laterally and the lacunar ligament medially. The veins draining the spinal cord have a distribution and drainage generally reective o the spinal arteries, although there are normally three longitudinal spinal veins both anteriorly and posteriorly. The common arrangement o the vertebrae and the position o the 1st and 12th ribs are shown. Secondary cartilaginous joints, or symphyses, are strong, slightly movable joints united by brocartilage. These ractures, usually transverse, result rom repeated stress on the metatarsals.

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The greater pelvis (expanded part o the pelvis superior to the pelvic inlet) supports and partly protects the lower abdominal viscera (part o the ileum, cecum, appendix, and sigmoid colon). Peritoneum covers the anterior and lateral suraces o the superior third o the rectum, only the anterior surace o the middle third, and no surace o the inerior third because it is subperitoneal (see Table 6. The pulpy nucleus attens and the anulus bulges when weight is applied, as occurs during standing and more so during liting. This racture is so named because the parts o the bone do not separate; the bone resembles a tree branch (greenstick) that has been sharply bent but not disconnected. The upper limb is composed o our increasingly mobile segments: the proximal three (shoulder, arm, and orearm) serve primarily to position the ourth segment (hand), which is used or grasping, manipulation, and touch. Diagonal ractures are oten associated with limb shortening caused by overriding o the ractured ends. The digits o the upper limb (ngers including thumb) are the most mobile parts o either limb. The result o muscular agenesis predicts the eects o muscular paralysis or surgical removal: inability to perorm particular movements due to the absence o phasic contraction, and positioning at rest determined by the tonic contraction o the antagonists. From the deep surace o the deltoid ascia, numerous septa (connective tissue partitions) penetrate between the ascicles (bundles) o the muscle. The higher pressure in the left ventricle serves to seal the device against the ventricular septum. Here, the boundary between the abdominal and perineal regions and the emoral region is demarcated by the inguinal ligament anteriorly and the ischiopubic ramus o the hip bone (part o the pelvic girdle or skeleton o the pelvis) medially. The medial and lateral emoral condyles make up nearly the entire inerior (distal) end o the emur. Each part, division, and segment has an identiying name; segments are also identifed by Roman numerals. The parietal pleura is richly supplied by branches o the intercostal and phrenic nerves. The posterior and anterior nerve roots unite, within or just proximal to the intervertebral oramen, to orm a mixed (both motor and sensory) spinal nerve, which immediately divides into two rami (L. Varicose veins are common in the posteromedial parts o the lower limb and may cause discomort. As they emerge rom the intervertebral oramina, spinal nerves are divided into two rami. It is particularly important to assess the competence of the aortic valve as new onset of aortic regurgitation is generally accepted as an indication for surgery. Medial to the iliopectineal arch, the vascular compartment o the retro-inguinal space allows passage o the major vascular structures (veins, artery, and lymphatics) between the greater pelvis and the emoral triangle o the anterior thigh. This branch runs distally on the interosseous membrane with the anterior interosseous branch o the ulnar artery. The meninges extend along the nerve roots and then blend with the epineurium at the point where the posterior and anterior roots join, orming the dural root sleeves that enclose the sensory (posterior root) ganglia. The authors were successful in correcting all of these problems except one by either relocating the coronary ostia, inserting pericardial patches at the coronary to neoaortic anastomosis or placing tacking sutures to adjust the position of the pulmonary artery to relieve coronary compression. Viscera o Thoracic Cavity 345 the air in the blocked segment will gradually be absorbed into the blood, and the segment will collapse. The pancreaticosplenic nodes relate to the posterior surace and superior border o the pancreas. Pain rom vertebral ractures and dislocations is no dierent than that rom other bones and joints: the sharp pain ollowing a racture is mostly periosteal (membrane covering the bone) in origin, whereas pain rom dislocations is ligamentous (relating to the structure o the ligament). The vertebral body consists o vascular, trabecular (spongy, cancellous) bone enclosed by a thin external layer o compact bone. At all times great care must be taken in introducing instruments into the subaortic region such that no damage Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction 435 is done to the aortic valve leaflets. A hydrocele o the testis is conned to the scrotum and distends the tunica vaginalis. When the great vessels are closer to directly anteroposterior, the coronaries are usually described as arising from a rightward and posterior facing sinus and a leftward and posterior facing sinus. Chondromalacia patellae may also result rom a blow to the patella or extreme fexion o the knee. In the thorax, the unpaired visceral branches o the anterior vascular plane are the esophageal arteries-usually two, but there may be as many as ve.

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The bula Lateral epicondyle of femur Lateral condyle of tibia Anterolateral tibial (Gerdy) tubercle Head of fibula Neck of fibula Patella the tibial tuberosity, an oval elevation on the anterior surace o the tibia, is easily palpated approximately 5 cm distal to the apex o the patella. Thus, you should learn the course o the arteries and deduce that a muscle is supplied by all the arteries in its vicinity. Except or L1, the maps o the abdominal dermatomes and o the peripheral nerves are thus identical. The roots o the plexus usually pass through the gap between the anterior and the middle scalene (L. The hemodynamics, therefore, are similar to those of a left to right shunt at the atrial level. When the ventricles contract, they produce a wringing motion because o the double helical orientation o the cardiac muscle bers (Torrent-Guasp et al. These glands secrete mucus into the vestibule o the vagina during sexual arousal (see the Clinical Box "Inection o Greater Vestibular Glands"). The anterior rami distributed only to the trunk generally remain separate, however, and ollow a segmental distribution similar to that o the posterior rami. The menisci and tibial condyles glide as a unit across the inerior and posterior aspects o the emoral condyles during fexion and extension. The notch lies at the level o the inerior border o the body o T2 vertebra and the space between the 1st and 2nd thoracic spinous processes. The majority of reintervention procedures which 10 patients underwent were for recurrent right ventricular outflow tract obstruction which was necessary in eight patients. Dorsum usually reers to the superior aspect o any part that protrudes anteriorly rom the body, such as the dorsum o the tongue, nose, penis, or oot. The surgeon must be involved from the start because there is a much higher risk with this entity than with others that relatively urgent surgical intervention may be necessary if the dilation is unsuccessful. The aortic arch is best dealt with at the time of the arterial switch procedure while working through a median sternotomy. Lymphatic Drainage o Lower Limb the lower limb has supercial and deep lymphatic vessels. Accessory spleens are relatively common, are usually small (approximately 1 cm in diameter, and range rom 0. Nine regions o the abdominal cavity are used to describe the location o abdominal organs, pains, or pathologies (Table 5. The anterior mediastinum consists o loose connective tissue (sternopericardial ligaments), at, lymphatic vessels, a ew lymph nodes, and branches o the internal thoracic vessels. The remainder o the structures in the superior mediastinum pass through the superior thoracic aperture to the root o the neck or pass between the neck and abdomen. In addition to exclusive motor innervation, the phrenic nerves supply most o the pleura and peritoneum covering the diaphragm. The thinner tissue between the digital rays undergoes apoptosis (programmed cell death), causing notches to develop, so that the rays soon appear as webbed fingers and toes. Median incisions can be made along any part or the length o the linea alba rom the xiphoid process to pubic symphysis. By closing the inerior thoracic aperture, the diaphragm separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities almost completely. Those patients who do not clearly fall into either of these groups are the real management challenges. When sitting, especially in the absence o back support or long periods, one usually "cycles" between back fexion (slumping) and extension (sitting up straight) to minimize stiness and atigue. In this radiograph, the head o the humerus and the glenoid cavity overlap, obscuring the joint plane because the scapula does not lie in the coronal plane (thereore, the glenoid cavity is oblique, not in a sagittal plane. Metastatic cancer cells that enter a lymphatic vessel usually pass through two or three groups o lymph nodes.

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Retinacula are deep ascial thickenings that tether tendons to underlying bones as they cross joints. The superior epigastric artery is the direct continuation o the internal thoracic artery. Should a hernia be present, a sudden impulse is elt against either the tip or pad o the examining nger when the patient is asked to cough (Swartz, 2014). It runs superiorly rom the body o C2 through the oramen magnum to attach to the central part o the foor o the cranial cavity, ormed by the internal surace o the occipital bone. Epidural anesthesia may be administered to take advantage o the discrepancy in the pain pathways to acilitate participatory childbirth methods; uterine contractions are elt, but the birth canal is anesthetized. This dissection o superior end o anterior aspect o the right thigh demonstrates the distal continuation o the structures cut in A. Quantitative echocardiographic analysis of the aortic arch predicts outcome of balloon angioplasty of native coarctation of the aorta. The pubis is an angulated bone with a superior ramus, which helps orm the acetabulum, and an inerior ramus, which contributes to the bony borders o the obturator oramen. Although the liver and spleen do not change shape as a result o intrinsic activity (although they may slowly change in size when engorged with blood), their need or a covering o visceral peritoneum is dictated by the need to accommodate passive changes in position imposed by the adjacent, highly active diaphragm. Frontal (coronal) planes are vertical planes passing through the body at right angles to the median plane, dividing the body into anterior (ront) and posterior (back) parts. Eciency o hand unction results in large part rom the ability to place it in the proper position by movements at the scapulothoracic, glenohumeral, elbow, radio-ulnar, and wrist joints. This injury produces pain and edema at the base o the 5th metatarsal and may be associated with a severe ankle sprain. It is actively contracted during activities such as orced expiration, coughing, sneezing, vomiting, and xation o the trunk during strong movements o the upper limbs. The larger posterior circumex humeral artery passes medially through the posterior wall o the axilla via the quadrangular space with the axillary nerve to supply the glenohumeral joint and surrounding muscles. Younger age and valve oversizing are predictors of structural valve deterioration after pulmonary valve replacement in patients with tetralogy of Fallot. Inerior to the root o the lung, this continuity between parietal and visceral pleura orms the pulmonary ligament, extending between the lung and the mediastinum, immediately anterior to the esophagus. Actuarial survival and freedom from cardiac events at 10 years after operation were 87% and 73% in children who underwent mitral valve repair and 90% and 67% for those who underwent replacement. Fusiorm muscles are spindle shaped with a round, thick belly (or bellies) and tapered ends-or example, biceps brachii. Lymph nodes, small masses o lymphatic tissue located along the course o lymphatic vessels through which lymph is ltered on its way to the venous system. Breast cancer aects approximately 1,000 men per year in the United States (Swartz, 2014). The common hepatic duct merges with the cystic duct to orm the bile duct, which conveys the bile to the descending part o the duodenum. The palmar ligaments blend with the ibrous digital sheaths and provide a smooth, longitudinal groove that allows the long lexor ligaments to glide and remain centrally placed as they cross the convexities o the joints. The ligament o the ovary connects the Pelvic Viscera 611 Ovary Distended urinary bladder Broad ligament Ovary Uterus Follicle 4. The three at abdominal muscles orming the lateral walls span between complex anterior and posterior aponeurotic ormations that ensheathe vertically disposed muscles. The capillary beds o the myocardium drain primarily into the right atrium via veins emptying into the coronary sinus. The cruciate anastomosis is a our-way common meeting o the medial and lateral circumfex emoral arteries with the e inerior gluteal artery superiorly, and the rst perorating g artery ineriorly, posterior to the emur.

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Because o the importance o manual dexterity in occupational and recreational activities, a good understanding o the structure and unction o the hand is essential or all persons involved in maintaining or restoring its activities: ree motion, power grasping, precision handling, and pinching. Pancreatic damage happens when the digestive enzymes are activated beore they are released into the small intestine and begin attacking the pancreas. Blood does not transilluminate; thereore, transillumination can dierentiate a hematocele or hematoma rom a hydrocele. It runs toward the lesser curvature o the stomach, where it gives o hepatic and duodenal branches, which leave the stomach in the hepatoduodenal ligament. The main occupant o the inguinal canal is the spermatic cord in males and the round ligament o the uterus in emales. Costal cartilages prolong the ribs anteriorly and contribute to the elasticity o the thoracic wall, providing a fexible attachment or their anterior ends (tips). Medial and lateral plantar veins rom the plantar aspect o the oot orm the posterior tibial and fbular veins posterior to the medial and lateral malleoli. Brachial Artery the brachial artery provides the main arterial supply to the arm and is the continuation o the axillary artery. The liver is a common site o metastatic carcinoma (secondary cancers spreading rom organs drained by the portal system o veins. When opening the peritoneal cavity is necessary, great eort is made to avoid contamination o the cavity. When stimulated by the phrenic nerves, the domes are pulled downward (descend), compressing the abdominal viscera. The Deep to the erector spinae is an obliquely disposed group o much shorter muscles, the transversospinalis muscle group consisting o the semispinalis, multidus, and rotatores. The axillary lymph nodes are drained by the subclavian lymphatic trunk; both are discussed in greater detail with the axilla, later in this chapter. The thick, ree edge o the lesser omentum extends between the porta hepatis and the duodenum (the hepatoduodenal ligament) and encloses the structures that pass through the porta hepatis. Articial disc replacement has been developed as an alternative to usion when one or two segments are involved. Application of the clamps will result in upper body hypertension, but the anesthesia team should not respond to this with aggressive antihypertensive therapy. Effects of age on hemodynamic changes after transcatheter closure of atrial septal defect: importance of ventricular diastolic function. The gonadal arteries o both sexes descend into the greater pelvis rom the abdominal aorta, but only the ovarian arteries enter the lesser pelvis. In a lateral projection, both domes o the diaphragm are oten visible as they arch superiorly rom the sternum. Sometimes, the embryonic kidney on one or both sides ails to enter the abdomen and lies anterior to the sacrum. The spinal dura is separated rom the periosteumcovered bone and the ligaments that orm the walls o the vertebral canal by the epidural space. Passage of Hegar dilators from below will open the stenotic pulmonary valve, as well as allowing assessment of annular size. They concluded that younger age at the time of pulmonary valve replacement and valve oversizing in patients less than 20 years of age at the time of pulmonary valve replacement were significant predictors of structural valve deterioration. The veins may become so dilated that their walls rupture, resulting in hemorrhage. In summary, pursestringing of the anastomosis should be minimized by avoiding wide spacing of continuous suture bites and careful focus on alignment of the descending aorta with the arch, even if this results in some degree of stenosis of the takeoff of the left subclavian artery. The colon encircles the small intestine, the ascending colon lying to the right o the small intestine, the transverse colon superior and/or anterior to it, the descending colon to the let o it, and the sigmoid colon inerior to it.

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The weight o the upper body, transmitted centrally through the vertebral column (1), is divided and directed laterally by means o the bony arch ormed by the sacrum and ilia (2). The two ejaculatory ducts immediately enter the posterior aspect o the prostate, running closely parallel through the gland to open on the seminal colliculus. As part o an orgasm, the sympathetic system stimulates contraction o the internal urethral sphincter to prevent retrograde ejaculation. Some physicians recommend that men perorm a sel-examination o their testicles monthly ater puberty and report any testicular or scrotal changes. The carotid tubercle, the anterior tubercle o the transverse process o C6 vertebra, may be large enough to be palpable; the carotid artery lies anterior to it. The rectus emoris may be easily observed as a ridge passing down the thigh when the lower limb is raised rom the foor while sitting. Long-term follow-up studies from other centers have suggested that residual or recurrent right ventricular outflow tract obstruction is a more serious late problem and a more common cause of need for reoperation than pulmonary regurgitation. Either displacement would compromise the portion o the vertebral oramen o C1 that gives passage to the spinal cord. The testes and epididymides and their coverings are described with the abdomen (see Chapter 5, Abdomen). At the level o the wrist, nine tendons rom three muscles (and one nerve) o the anterior compartment o the orearm traverse the carpal tunnel; eight o the tendons share a common synovial exor sheath. The anterolateral aspect o the lateral tibial condyle bears an anterolateral tibial tubercle (Gerdy tubercle) inerior to the articular surace. Cancer o the scrotum: metastasizes to the supercial inguinal lymph nodes, which lie in the subcutaneous tissue inerior to the inguinal ligament and along the terminal part o the great saphenous vein. The point at which the uterine artery and ureter cross lies approximately 2 cm superior to the ischial spine. The common cause o this injury is severe trauma to the thorax or abdomen during a motor vehicle accident. Arrangement o Lower Limb Bones Body weight is transerred rom the vertebral column through the sacro-iliac joints to the pelvic girdle and rom the pelvic girdle through the hip joints to the emurs (L. Consequently, normally none o these digits can remain ully fexed as the other ones are ully extended. Fracture o the distal end o the radius is a common racture in adults who are 50 years o age and over. Ninety-nine % of patients had a mini- (73% [222]) or no (26% [79]) ventricular incision. As coordinated contractions and hence pumping o the heart is re-established, some degree o systemic (including coronary) circulation results. The peri-arterial plexuses o the ovarian, superior rectal, and internal iliac arteries are minor routes by which sympathetic bers enter the pelvis. Similarly, a lateral fbrous septum extends deeply rom the lateral border o the palmar aponeurosis to the 3rd metacarpal. Endocardium, a thin internal layer (endothelium and subendothelial connective tissue) or lining membrane o the heart that also covers its valves. Pain impulses conducted rom it by the somatic phrenic nerves result in reerred pain sensations. Because of the large number of patients in this study it was possible to use multiple logistical regression to develop a calculator which allows prediction for any individual patient as to whether a biventricular repair is more likely to result in survival than a Norwood procedure. Each o the lateral cutaneous nerves arise rom a separate source (axillary, radial, and musculocutaneous nerves). When repair was performed in older patients, late cardiac failure, stroke, and atrial fibrillation were significantly more frequent. Being aware o these variations is essential in medical practice, particularly surgery. The two bones are frmly united distally by the articular disc, reerred to clinically as the triangular ligament o the distal radio-ulnar joint.

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The fbers o the aponeuroses interlace in the midline, orming the linea alba, and continue into the aponeuroses o the contralateral muscles. The veins rom the proximal two parts o the urethra drain into the prostatic venous plexus. Both layers o peritoneum consist o mesothelium, a layer o simple squamous epithelial cells. The ngers can be pressed inward on each side o the tendon, where the elbow joint is supercial. This fuid may be removed by a needle tap or by thoracentesis; in some cases, it may be necessary to ligate (tie o) the thoracic duct. Neonatal Aortic Valve Stenosis A trial of discontinuation of prostaglandin can be undertaken if the left heart structures are well developed and the degree of aortic valve stenosis does not appear to be severe. The axilla also contains large nerves that make up the cords and branches o the brachial plexus, a network o interjoining nerves that pass rom the neck to the upper limb. Pericardiocentesis Drainage o fuid rom the pericardial cavity, pericardiocentesis, is usually necessary to relieve cardiac tamponade. Interalveolar connective tissue, in association with Hering-Breuer refexes (a mechanism that tends to limit respiratory excursions). The right hip bone o a 13-year-old demonstrating the Y-shaped triradiate cartilage. The deep ascia o the orearm thickens to orm the extensor retinaculum posteriorly and a corresponding thickening anteriorly (palmar carpal ligament). The bile duct descends posterior to the superior part o the duodenum and lies in a groove on the posterior surace o the head o the pancreas. The posterior longitudinal ligament runs within the vertebral canal along the posterior aspect o the vertebral bodies. The parasympathetic system is primarily a homeostatic or anabolic (energy-conserving) system, promoting the quiet and orderly processes o the body, such as those that allow the body to eed and assimilate. During emission, semen (sperms and glandular secretions) is delivered to the prostatic urethra through the ejaculatory ducts ater peristalsis o the ductus deerentes and seminal glands. A more detailed schematic illustration demonstrating that the systemic circulation actually consists o many parallel circuits serving the various organs and regions o the body. Superior to the pectinate line, the internal rectal plexus drains chiefy into the superior rectal vein (a tributary o the inerior mesenteric vein) and the portal system. Direct continuation o radial artery; arch is completed on medial side by deep branch o ulnar artery. The internal thoracic arteries arise rom the subclavian arteries and have paired accompanying veins (L. The posterior surace o the abdominal part o the esophagus is covered with peritoneum o the omental bursa, continuous with that covering the posterior surace o the stomach. Through their participation in these joints, these processes determine the types o movement permitted and restricted between the adjacent vertebrae o each region. Irreparable injuries to the spinal cord accompany most severe fexion injuries o the vertebral column. Anterior branch supplies obturator externus, pectineus, adductors o thigh, and gracilis; posterior branch supplies muscles attached to ischial tuberosity. The thin, fat rhomboid major is approximately two times wider than the thicker rhomboid minor lying superior to it. Specialized lymphatic vessels in the intestinal villi (tiny projections o the mucous membrane) that absorb at are called lacteals. The pectoralis major and minor muscles are reected superolaterally, and the lateral and medial cords o the brachial plexus are reected superomedially. Anteriorly, the ilium has stout anterior superior and anterior inerior iliac spines that provide attachment or ligaments and tendons o lower limb muscles. Pyloric part: the unnel-shaped outfow region o the stomach; its wider part, the pyloric antrum, leads into the pyloric canal, its narrower part. Avoidance of unnecessary homograft placement obviates the need for mandatory reoperations. Initially, it inclines to the let but is pushed back to the median plane by the arch o the aorta.

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The internal rectal venous plexus drains in both directions rom the level o the pectinate line. Nerve bers are distributed to the spinal dura by the (recurrent) meningeal nerves. Most (65%) duodenal ulcers occur in the posterior wall o the superior part o the duodenum within 3 cm o the pylorus. The two main parts o the uterus, the body and cervix, are separated by the isthmus. Peritoneum completely surrounds the undus o the gallbladder and binds its body and neck to the liver. This sphincter contracts during ejaculation to prevent retrograde ejaculation (ejaculatory refux) o semen into the bladder. Wall thickness of ventricular chambers in transposition of the great arteries: surgical implications. Note that the orearm diverges laterally, orming an angle that is greater in the woman. A prosthetic disc restores disc space lost to marked disc degeneration, relieving stenosis, while still allowing motion to occur. The spherical head o the humerus enables a great range o motion on the mobile scapular base; the trochlea and capitulum at its distal end acilitate the hinge movements o the elbow and, at the same time, the pivoting o the radius. Primary arterial switch operation in children presenting late with d-transposition of great arteries and intact ventricular septum. These conditions can occur as a result o repetitive microtrauma, which is common in sports involving throwing. Like the dermatomal pattern, the logic or naming the main supercial veins o the upper limb cephalic (toward the head) and basilic (toward the base) becomes apparent when the limb is placed in its initial embryonic position. The renal nerve plexus is supplied by bers rom the abdominopelvic (especially the least) splanchnic nerves. To test the fexor digitorum proundus, the proximal interphalangeal joint is held in the extended position while the person attempts to fex the distal interphalangeal joint. For example, the musculocutaneous nerve pierces it, and the distal part o its attachment indicates the location o the nutrient oramen o the humerus. Transverse planes are horizontal planes passing through the body at right angles to the median and rontal planes, dividing the body into superior (upper) and inerior (lower) parts. Sometimes surgeons create a temporary ostomy to allow the bowel to heal ater resection and anasto- Diverticulosis Diverticulosis is a disorder in which multiple alse diverticula (external evaginations or outpocketings o the mucosa o the colon) develop along the intestine. These ormations are called somites: the medial sides o the somites become sclerotomes, cells o which exit the somite and migrate medially. They are rudimentary and unctionless in men, consisting o only a ew small ducts or epithelial cords. Contraction and relaxation o the superiorly convex diaphragm alter its vertical dimensions. Risk factors for death were a higher grade of endocardial fibroelastosis estimated by echocardiography, a lower Z score of the aortic valve diameter at the level of the sinuses of Valsalva, and younger age at entry. Often a defect that results in greater than 50% systemic pressure in the pulmonary arteries is clearly a large defect which probably has a low probability of spontaneous closure. The angle o inclination and attachment o the abductors and rotators to the greater trochanter allow increased leverage, superior placement o the abductors, and oblique orientation o the emur in the thigh. The planar perineal membrane divides the urogenital triangle o the perineum into superfcial and deep perineal pouches. Protooncogene induction and reprogramming of cardiac gene expression produced by pressure overload.